

Vendor FAQ

Q. How can I start working with Haymillian?
A. To become a Haymillian vendor you need to register in the Haymillian Vendor Portal (, providing as much information and job specific details as you can- such as language pairs and your rates. Please do not forget to upload your CV along with the signed agreement, which are part of the registration process.

Q. When will I be contacted for a job?
A. Once you have registered in the vendor portal, our project managers will contact you to discuss your availability. A project will be assigned to you should one matching your language pair, offered services and skills be received. Following a detailed review by our project managers, and provided that your profile qualifies according to the client project requirements; your profile will be automatically matched to a project.

Q. How are vendors selected for jobs?
A.  You are chosen based on the main criteria needed for the successful implementation of each project (see answer for Q.1 and Q.2) Additional criteria such as project budget or the software needed for the specific task are also taken into consideration. If all requirements mentioned have been met, you will be contacted for a test, if you have not been given one before and it’s your first time working for Haymillian. If you successfully complete the test and you are available for the given period, you will be assigned a project.

Q. What about deadlines?
A. Depending on the situation, we may either assign a deadline that is based on the client requirements, or we may ask you for the best possible deadline allowing for the highest quality of work. Accepting a project means agreeing to the assigned deadline and terms.

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